Goddezz Sage (Sold Out) restock June 1st 2020

$5.00 / On Sale

1pc of California white sage 4”

The Native American people and many other indigenous tribes around the world have used smoke as a way to not only heal others, but the smoke has been used in meaningful rituals that date back to ancient times.
History will always point back to a group of people burning herbs as a way to deal with energy beyond what is visible to the eye.
how do you burn sage?
You sit in quiet meditation for 5 minutes and ponder your invocation or intention.

Hold the smudge stick over a fireproof container at all times to prevent burning or glowing herbs from falling on the floor as you smudge. You can use a feather if you have one, but it is usually sufficient to simply wave your hand through the air to gently waft smoke where you want it.  Remind yourself to stay connected to your breathing throughout your smudging session.